Common prerequisites for PA schools and their equivalents at UMich

A Note About Courses

Because each school has its own requirements, it’s best to look up the schools you want to apply to and fulfill their prerequisites as you go. If you need help with the prerequisites for schools in Michigan, there is a spreadsheet **here.** Some of their descriptions might be vague or might not match the courses here, so make sure to email them to clarify (because you don’t want to plan to apply to a school only to not fulfill their requirements)!

However, most schools usually require a mix of the following courses:

Other common courses include:

Regarding AP credit: not all schools accept AP credit, but some do. For example, if you took AP Bio and tested out of 171/172 (but still took the 173 lab), some schools will accept it while others will not. Just check with the program you’re applying to; programs are happy to answer any questions sent to their admissions email.

Below is a list of courses and their equivalent names (UofM Course - common name (credits)). Based on a survey sent out to the club members, I have included an average difficulty level (10 being the highest) for each course, as well as courses that go well with each other (based on combinations that members took together). Also, Josiah’s Quizlets are included (but may be outdated!)


Upper Level Biology


Anatomy + Physiology

Other Various Classes